Welcome to the Toybox! Come play!

Hey there! Welcome to the Imagine If 😃

I’m Cat and I’m passionate about helping you to make learning more fun.

I truly believe that if people can enjoy their learning experiences, they will also remember and act on them more too! And as facilitators and trainers that’s what it’s all about right?

So I’m here to help you make that happen.

In the Toybox you’ll find a selection of games and activities, all designed and ready for you to plug them straight into your workshops. You’ll get all the materials you need to use them straight away – instructions on how to set up and run them, handouts, slides, timings etc (what you get varies depending on the activity).

You'll also find some incredible card decks that you can use within your workshops (and one you can even add your own brand to!!)

I want to make it easy for you, to save you time and to help you design workshops you can’t wait to deliver.

Want to try a few freebies out and see what my style is like? Sign up to the Playschool.

Ready to dive straight in and get the lot? Buy the Toybox BIG Bundle!

Available Products

Playschool - free stuff to try before you buy

Want to see the kind of thing you'll get when you buy a product from the Toybox?

Check out some examples here - ones you can actually grab and use yourself!

Toybox BIG Bundle

If you love the look of the Toybox then why not buy the Toybox BIG Bundle?!

Pay once and get today's Big Bundle plus any future product additions.


Product Index

Do you have a particular topic you need an activity for?

Take a look at the categories in here, choose the one you need, and see all the products that exist for each one.

Communication Top Trumps

Explore your communication preferences with play.
Get the template and instructions (including 10 different ways to use the cards) so you can use it with your own colleagues, clients and teams.

10 x activities (20 mins upwards)
Suitable for face to face and online sessions.

Escape Team - The Time Machine

Are you looking to do something different for your next group workshop?  Something that will challenge the group through fun, play and exploration?

Escape Team may be just what you are looking for.

The thrill of an escape room teamed with the learning of a team workshop.

2 hr 15m (approx)
Suitable for face to face sessions

Virtual Icebreakers

Looking for icebreakers you can use in online sessions?

Get your hands on 6 different icebreakers, making use of a variety of approaches so you can choose the most appropriate one for your group.

6 x activities a 15 mins + (depending on group size)
Suitable for online sessions (4 also suitable for face to face)

Story Cube Cards

Explore leadership, problem solving, working together and sharing stories using a selection of visuals to add a new flavour.

Includes a digital deck of 80 cards to use in person or online.

5 x activities (20-45+ minutes)
Suitable for face to face (5) & online (2) sessions

5 ways to use Story Cubes with groups

Do you have story cubes lying around that you could be making more use of?  Or maybe you’ve been looking for an excuse to get some?!

Grab your cubes and grab these 5 creative ways to use them.

5 x activities (20-30 minutes each)
Suitable for face to face (5) and online (4) sessions

Story Cube BUNDLE

Grab the bundle and make a saving! 

You get 5 ways to use story cubes with groups and Story Cube Cards  for £100 - that's a saving of £35 if bought separately.

The Card Shop

The Card Shop is an activity that helps illustrate the importance of change management within organisations. It is designed to replicate poor change management by making people feel uncomfortable, frustrated and uncertain as they progress through each stage. They will then discuss the impact of this on them individually and begin to understand why change management is important.

1 hr 10 mins
Suitable for face to face sessions

Change the Conversation

Organisational change is hard. It's even harder for those who feel the change is being 'done to them'.

It can be hard to have useful conversations when people are feeling negative about the change. And even harder to get them to accept, adopt and recognise the benefits of it.

But wouldn't it be great if you could?!

1 hour 15 mins
Suitable for online & face to face sessions

Feedback; friend or foe?

Exploring what good feedback looks like can often feel like a bit of a dull topic and one people feel they already know.

You'd much rather transform the feedback sceptics into curious learners!

Approx 1hr 15m
Suitable for online & face to face sessions

Online whiteboard background templates

If you're using online whiteboards in your online facilitation, but don't want to start from a blank page each time, then grab these 10 backgrounds that you can use for a variety of exercises.

Suitable for online sessions

Code Cracker

Code Cracker is a game to test teamwork and behaviours. Two groups will work independently to solve a puzzle and reveal the answer.

They may think they are competing, but they actually need to collaborate in order for them both to win! (But don't tell them that!)

60 mins
Suitable for online & face to face sessions

Values to Inspire

Values are at the heart of what we do and how we behave – whether we realise it or not!

Creating inspiring values for your team helps create a shared understanding, clear expectations and way to align decisions to reach team goals.

Half day (3.5 hours)
Suitable for online & face to face sessions

Would you rather...?

Would you rather have awkward “tell me something interesting about yourself” intros or give people a prompt that will start conversations flowing?

Get 150 questions in both print and online format along with 14 different ways to use it!

14 x activities (5 mins upwards)
Suitable for face to face and online sessions.

Start Stop Continue More Less

This activity is a useful blend of idea generation, review and action planning all rolled into one!  You pick your topic and explore each heading in turn.  It’s particularly useful when you know things need to change for the better!

You’ll get instructions of how you can use this exercise as well as templates for posters and slides.

30 mins plus
Suitable for online & face to face sessions (3 variations for each)

Behind Your Back feedback

Sometimes people find it hard to give feedback to someone's face.  So here's an alternative - do it behind their back instead!  Turn that hearsay into real-say.

30 minute activity
Suitable for face to face and online sessions (includes Google Jamboard and Miro templates)

Crucial Conversations

Whether you call them 'difficult', 'challenging' or 'crucial' conversations, they are so important to get right.

This pack gives you a character card deck, scenario cards and 4 x 1 hour (ish) activities you can add to your own workshops as a way to explore these conversations in more depth.

4 x activities (45 mins upwards)
Suitable for face to face & online sessions

Treasure Hunt

You’re looking for something different to get people moving around, interacting and having fun.

Have you thought about sending your participants on a treasure hunt? 

A treasure hunt is fun.  Plain and simple.  But it can be used for a purpose too.

From 60 mins (plus variable prep time)
Suitable for face to face sessions

Quickfire Quest

A quick fire game in communication, strategy and teamwork.

A mashup of a traditional scavenger hunt and TV's "The Apprentice" buying task where teams have to think and plan fast, communicate succinctly and then work together to win against other teams.

30 mins
Suitable for online sessions

The Growth Tree

Exploring growth and opportunities within teams can be a tricky thing.  Everyone has their own idea of what growth means and the scale of what growth means to them.  How do you use this in such a way that helps everyone contribute and see the variety of views?  With The Growth Tree of course!

65 minute activity
Suitable for face to face sessions (or virtual depending on software available)

The Perfect Team Member

Do you need to explore what makes a great team member in a way that is non confrontational, fun and gets people talking?

(Or change 'perfect team member' to 'perfect anything else that is a job/person/role')

90 minute session
Suitable for face to face and online sessions.

5 ways to use... Lego cards... with groups

Wondering what to do with those Lego cards you have sitting on the side?  Turn them into a game for your group or team session!

5 x activities (30 - 60 minutes)
Suitable for face to face sessions.

5 ways to use... toilet rolls... with groups

Looking for a creative activity for your group or team session?  Want to use something you can get your hands on easily?  What about toilet rolls?!

5 x activities (30 - 60 minutes)
Suitable for virtual and face to face sessions.

Christmas Party Pack

Not able to have your Christmas party in person this year but don't want to do yet another zoom call of nothingness?

What if you could jazz up your zoom party with some fun and games?

10 mins +
Suitable for online & face to face sessions
Categories: Just for fun / Team Culture


Playdates are an online 1:1 session with me, where we generate, develop or structure ideas in your chosen topic.

We can start from scratch on a topic of your choice or we can take all the ideas you already have and develop them, adding some structure as we go.

You can choose how long you need for your chosen topic; timings are completely tailorable to suit your needs.

Deck Adventure

🌟 Transform Your Workshops with Deck Adventure: The Ultimate Card Deck Creation Course for Facilitators 🌟

 Ever feel like your workshops could use a sprinkle of magic? 🪄 Imagine a world where your card decks echo your unique style and captivate every participant. 💫

Or maybe you're ready to create your own enchanting card decks that others can use to elevate their workshops...?

The Playful Facilitator Deck

Ready to turn your workshops from routine to riveting? Introducing The Playful Facilitator Deck – the ultimate tool for injecting creativity, curiosity, and connection into any session. These 70 dynamic cards are designed to boost engagement and spark meaningful conversations that linger long after the chairs are stacked away. Dive into a world where each card opens a door to innovative content and a truly interactive experience. Don't just lead a workshop, create an adventure that every participant remembers – find out how The Playful Facilitator Deck can revolutionise your approach and make every session a resounding success!

Core Values Compass

Unlock clarity and connection with Core Values Compass, a deck designed for coaches and facilitators to guide clients in discovering their core values. With 49 double-sided cards featuring closely related values, it sparks powerful conversations and helps align actions with beliefs. Add your own brand to your deck to make you stand out even more.

Insight Ignitors

Elevate your workshops with Insight Ignitors, a set of 50 powerful questions crowdsourced from the facilitator community and designed to spark deep conversations. Add your own brand to your deck to make you stand out even more.

Transform your workshops with discussions that matter.

Playing with Strengths card deck (physical & digital)

When was the last time you explored your strengths?

I don’t just mean thinking about what you are good at, but really and truly explored them?
… explored them with curiosity and wonder.
… explored the with new eyes.
… explored them as a way to truly see yourself and your path. 

PHYSICAL CARD DECK (also available as a digital version through Deckible)
Suitable for face to face sessions

The Gratitude Challenge card deck (physical & digital)

Would you like to add an extra dose of gratitude to your day?

Tap into the power of gratitude and see what a difference it can make to your life.  You could…
… use them by yourself to grow your daily gratitude practice.
… use them with your family & friends to share your experiences and stories.
… use them with colleagues to explore and understand each others different approaches and viewpoints.

PHYSICAL CARD DECK (also available as a digital version through Deckible)
Suitable for face to face sessions

Buy me a game!

If I've helped you in some way, whether that's sharing great advice, templates or gifting you products, then feel free to treat me!

You may have seen the 'Treat me to a coffee' many people are using. Well I don't drink coffee but I do play games, so here's my own spin on that!!

All contributions are gratefully received and help fuel my passion for creating great content for all.

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